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Maritime English Center

Marlins English Language Test for Offshore Workers Marlins English Test + TOSE

Marlins Language Test for Offshore Workers + TOSE

We would like to invite you to take the Marlins computer test and TOSE. The computer-based test lasts 60 minutes (80 questions), the TOSE exam lasts 20-30 minutes.
In order to take the Marlins English Test + TOSE, you must have valid photo identity document - seaman's book or passport with you (prerequisite). You will receive a certificate upon completion of the test.

Link to sample test: -> Practise Test (You can still take a practice test here without requiring a licence code)
  • Marlins English Language Test for Offshore Workers
Test duration: 60 minutes (computer-based test) + 20-30 minutes (TOSE) + approx. 15 minutes for organisational activities
Format: stationary computer-based test at the MEC in Szczecin - Marlins Approved Test Centre, TOSE test stationary at the MEC or online
Price: PLN 715.00 (external) or PLN 660.00 (students of the Maritime University of Szczecin)

How to sign up for the test?

A person wishing to take the Marlins English Test + TOSE should complete the following two steps:

1. complete the application form (Marlins application form)

2. once you have received confirmation of successful enrolment, pay the required amount to the account:

Bank account no: 24 1240 3927 1111 0010 8858 8550
IBAN: PL 24 1240 3927 1111 0010 8858 8550
Account holder / recipient: Maritime University of Szczecin
Address: ul. Wały Chrobrego 1-2
70-500 Szczecin, Poland (Poland)
Name of bank: Bank Pekao SA 
Transfer title: "Egzamin Marlins Offshore Workers - test komputerowy oraz ustny TOSE - komplet <Your name and surname>"

Please be aware that the test fee should be paid prior to the start of the exam.
Marlins English Test + TOSE exams dates are set individually from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 14:00 (waiting time approx. 2-7 days).
Autor: Website Administrator

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