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logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark
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Maritime English Center

About us

Maritime English Center conducts language courses and certified language exams

We are Marlins (Approved Test Center) for both written (computer-based) and oral (TOSE) testing. We offer courses that improve seafarers'  professional skills in using English at work.

Our partners, certifications and facilities

The Maritime University of Szczecin is an EnglishScore Approved Partner. EnglishScore is the British Council’s global test and certificate of English for employment. Language Cert, which offers English language certification exams, is also our partner. Students can take advantage of the MUS special offer for the LanguageCert Test of English exam. Candidates can take courses to enhance their language skills in both general and business language.

Since April 2022, we are also the entitled to hold state certificate examinations in Polish as a foreign language. We arrange exam sessions in accordance with the schedule announced by the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language.

For our MEC courses, we use the language labs (multimedia language labs and computer language learning labs) at the Maritime University of Szczecin. Our students can also use the resources of the MUS Language Reading Room.
Autor: Website Administrator

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